
Adopt a Writer: a Fan Generated Project

Liz Pardue, Editor of Glowy Box at http://www.glowybox.blogspot.com/ writes this synopsis:

Adopt A Writer is a project organized by TV bloggers in support of the WGA, in association with United Fandom and United Hollywood.

Each participating blog will interview a TV writer about their life as a writer —and as a striking writer— with the goal of putting a human face on the WGA for our readers and showing the public that the average writer is much more like the average viewer than the AMPTP wants us to believe. Each interview will be published on the interviewing blog's site, and all interviews are also collected on the central Adopt A Writer site.

More than fifteen top independent entertainment blogs have signed on to participate in the project, and we're in the process of recruiting writers. (If you're a writer and you'd like to be adopted, please email Adopt A Writer at adoptawriter@gmail.com.)

Visit Adopt a Writer at http://adoptawriter.wordpress.com/.


Jeremy said...

If I'm going to adopt a writer, they're gonna live in my house under my rules...

I fully expect this will not make it to the comments but I couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to get adopted by a very wealthy family, money has been tight lately, y'know?

Michael said...

thanks, but I was adopted once already and I'm still working through those issues.

Unknown said...

Howsabout "Adopt a Crew Member" since We're All In This Together.

Fey_Girl said...

I don't think I could choose. Seeing all those hopeful little writers' faces staring up at me wanting to be chosen.

Dawn said...

I hear it's hard to get a baby writer. And the old ones come with attachment issues after all those years being chained to their desks.

VDOVault said...

I've already adopted one crew member and his family plus several writers, but there's always more room in this TV fan's family plus I know plenty of other fans who want to help support the people who make their shows.

You can call me the ambassador of fan adoptions of writers and crew members and even a stray actor or two but unfortunately I'm not as good looking as Angelina Jolie ;)

I'm not fabulously wealthy but I am supportive and have kicked in a few bucks here and there plus am known for the odd morally supportive phone call or greeting card. See if any of those moguls can top me there...in fact I dare them to share.

Plus I've met Liz in person...she's a lovely young woman and her project is praiseworthy...I highly recommend all writers participate.

Criminal Minds Fan said...

I adopted Criminal Minds writers Erica Messer and Debra J. Fisher. :)

Unknown said...

Send me your down-trodden and weary writers. I would be happy to do an ongoing series of interviews on my website:
