
Letter from The Presidents to Membership

This was sent today to WGA members from Presidents Verrone and Winship:

To Our Fellow Members:

On Tuesday, members of the Writers Guilds East and West voted by a 92.5% margin to lift the restraining order that was invoked on November 5th. The strike is over.

Writing can resume immediately. If you were employed when the strike began, you should plan to report to work on Wednesday. If you're not employed at an office or other work site, call or e-mail your employer that you are resuming work. If you have been told not to report to work or resume your services, we recommend that you still notify your employer in writing of your availability to do so. Questions concerning return-to-work issues should be directed to the WGAW legal department at 323.782.4521 or the WGAE’s assistant executive director Ann Toback at 212-767-7823.

The decision to begin this strike was not taken lightly and was only made after no other reasonable alternative was possible. We are profoundly aware of the economic loss these fourteen weeks have created not only for our members but so many other colleagues who work in the television and motion picture industries. Nonetheless, with the establishment of the WGA jurisdiction over new media and residual formulas based on distributor’s gross revenue (among other gains) we are confident that the results are a significant achievement not only for ourselves but the entire creative community, now and in the future.

We hope to build upon the extraordinary energy, ingenuity, and solidarity that were generated by your hard work during the strike.

Over the next weeks and months, we will be in touch with you to discuss and develop ways we can use our unprecedented unity to make our two guilds stronger and more effective than ever.

Now that the strike has ended, there remains the vote to ratify the new contract. Ballots and information on the new deal, both pro and con, will be mailed to you shortly. You will be able to return those ballots via mail or at a membership meeting to be held Monday, February 25th, 2008, at times and locations to be determined.

Thank you for making it possible. As ever, we are all in this together.


Patric M. Verrone
President, WGAW

Michael Winship
President, WGAE


Luke said...

Congratulations! I'm sure a lot of writers are very happy to be going back to work and having some form of income now. I can say, as a fan, it's been really nifty to see how many writers there are and hear some of their stories. I'm pretty sure I'll be following a lot of new projects from a plethora of writers now.

Now, will United Hollywood Live have one last final show tomorrow? Please? For us :)

Emily said...

It's over. :)

Anonymous said...


Stellar Drift said...

"bla bla bla. We lost"
Patric M. Verrone

good game.

Becca said...

Whatta relief it must be for you all that the strike is over and you are back to work. Cheers!

So what happens if the ratification vote goes the other way?

DangerGirl said...


You were courageous, you hung in there, you fought bravely for what you were entitled to

You fought for your future and the future of all writers.

Can't wait to see my favorite shows return!

Regardless of this outcome--- the seeds of a business model that provide 50% ownership of your intellectual property has been planted. May they come into fruition, and prosper! There is room for both business models in the landscape of Hollywood!

Anonymous said...

can i go play at rockefeller center now?

PattyCakes808 said...

yaaaah, now bring on the rest of LOST season 4.... and, of course, Mr. Whedon's DOLL HOUSE!!!

congrats, WGA. Hope the big wigs don't soon forget where the fans' loyalties lay ;-)

Anonymous said...

Huntress, what're you talking about?

Luzid said...

@ Becca:

It's not looking likely that the contract won't be ratified, from what I've read and heard.

The real question is, how will SAG's talks go regarding this template?

Anonymous said...

@ Tom Hanks:
