
"You're Sure You're Not In The Guild?"

Speechless # 35. Afghani sports, headless goats, the importance of inspirational movies, and yes, Buzkashi is real.

I seriously couldn't make this shit up if I tried.


Captain Obvious said...

Words cannot describe what I think when I watch this. Wow. It's a good one. Who's responsible for giving us this gem?

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh...my favorite director (and writer), the terrific Paul Mazursky. How cool is he?

just a thought said...

It's a really good joke.

Lee B. said...

FYI, I was not being serious about "stolen idea"; that was intended as irony to illustrate the importance of the WGA. Damn internet communications; sometimes I lose the nuance.

Alan Sereboff said...

Captain Obvious,

Written by another Captain, Captain Mauzner ("Wonderland," "Factory Girl") Directed by George Hickenlooper. We had fun shooting it. Stay tuned for part two...

you pay for that? said...

Don't care who made it. Did they pay for the file footage of the Afghani sport or steal it from the internet because those primitive people couldn't ever find out? Consistency makes a winner.

Geo Rule said...

So, my theory is when you creative types start trembling from not having fed the monkey on your back in a few months, you go out and make these things. Is that about it? A little do good for the guild + quick fix of creative methadone at the same time? ;)

That was awesome. . .

George Hickenlooper said...

Regarding the Afghan footage, because these Speechless spots qualify as PSAs they fall under the "news" category. Consequently, with respect to copyright "fair use" laws apply. In other words licensing agreements re: acquired public stock footage were not legally required. Thank you.

Captain Obvious said...

I'm definitely staying tuned, Alan.

Geo Rule: Precisely. Just need a fix of that creative stuff. Mmm. Oooh....yeaahhh....

DonKer said...

Hmmm. Kind of a choppy video. I sure wish my ISP streamed content faster, and that my home wireless G/N connection could go faster. The video was probably pretty good. But I got impatient and clicked away.

IP streaming sucks. And it will continue to suck for the foreseeable future.

Alan Sereboff said...

D -

Streaming's working just fine for me. Go to www.speechlesswithoutwriters.com and click the "Speechless on youtube" link towards the bottom of the page. You should be able to view it just fine there.

deuddersun said...

Too goddam funny! Absolutely! Can't wait to get to my estate in upstate NY, round up my servants, mount them on my prized appaloosa's and sling a dead goat over my shoulder!

No? I don't actually have an estate? No servants either? Oh well, I guess I'll just have to settle for stealing this and posting it at my place!

With due credit to UH of course.

Still laughing my ass off!

(Maybe it's that Marine Corps sense of humor...I don't know...)

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