
Special Edition of United Hollywood Live

Tune in for another edition of the only show in Hollywood that actually hopes every broadcast is its last, United Hollywood Live (Special time today: 1 pm Pacific/4 pm Eastern).

Join the live chat interface by CLICKING HERE (or by using the widget located along the right hand side of UnitedHollywood.com). The show, which airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is also available as a podcast immediately after each broadcast via the widget and on iTunes (search: United Hollywood).


ificandream said...

To the WGA: This is probably the toughest time for you guys, but keep strong. Your goals are worth fighting for.

(and Newspaper Guild member for over 35 years)

rHob said...

The only problem that I would have with a mass emailing, is that there may be a lot of legal mumbo jumbo and that many may not understand or may not even read, and that is what the meeting is for to explain. So if you don't attend the meeting, how are you going to make a truly informed decision? That's why I like the fact that the calling off of the strike is in the boards hands. Do you think that every voter is rational and informed?
