
Moguls Break Off Talks Without Real Offer

As of right now, the Moguls have broken off the talks with a very long, very prepared and very nasty statement. It's also full of half-truths and outright lies.

It clearly took someone some time to write, and a lot of thought has gone into crafting it for maximum potential dissent within the ranks. It's a PR doc, and it's very well-written. You don't create something like this in ten minutes, or even an hour. This kind of thing takes days, especially if a large group of CEO's have to sign off on it.

So they've been planning this for a while. Which doesn't speak to good faith in the negotiation on their side.

One of the sticking points, apparently, was our leadership's refusal to promise they would cross a SAG picket line. It certainly appears that someone is planning for another strike sometime soon. And they want to crush that union, too. Assuming, of course, that they can crush us.

We're going to have more on this soon, but right now, all I can say is: remember that a very, very expensive consultant has orchestrated all of this for precisely one reason -- to win. This isn't about the moguls being "reasonable" or protecting the internet streaming business (that is really so laughable it was almost impossible to type) or any of the things that document talks about.

It's about winning. And they can only win if we let it happen.

Stay strong, we'll have more soon.


TonyC said...

And the SwiftBoating begins...

Greg said...

That's a nasty piece of work, that statement. Hope you guys are ready for a fight--make sure to get the lies documented as soon as possible. In solidarity,

Greg Machlin

Philo T. Farnsworth said...

Hey, where are Fabiani and Lehane's offices? I'd love to picket there.

How's this B*%tch? said...

I hate moguls.

Frank said...

Is this an occasion to use the word DOUCHES?

boo said...

One of the things I don't like right now is this focus on the PR firms. Stop making the distractions the focus...it's good to know the tactics of the AMPTP but can we focus on them and not get distracted by the flacks...geesh!

We're writers...we write the words that come out of these idiots mouths...so let our words speak, get our message out to all parties...the advertisers, the public, the shareholders...like CALPERS and all the other union shareholders...get the message out...stop going down dead ends.

We are winning!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, it's as clear as it can be, the AMPTP isn't interested in negotiating. Nor are they interested in anything other than busting the union. Since SAG considers the WGA's fight their fight (as they should) as well, perhaps it's time to shut down whatever productions are still going on. A giant walk out, writers, actors, everybody.

A public boycotting of current films coming out, TV, DVD rentals and sales, the whole deal, wouldn't be a bad idea either.

And back to the picket line we go...

How's this B*%tch? said...

"Is this an occasion to use the word DOUCHES?"

Frank, I like to say "D-Bags" in a situation like this.

Unknown said...

This is right out of the amptp playbook Tom Shulman wrote about. Raise expectations, then dash their hopes. The weak, sensitive, neurotic writers will fall apart at the seams. Well, Mr. Mogul, writers live with ups and downs, extreme anxiety and uncertainty just about every time we sit down to begin our work. So take your stupid bully tactics somewhere else -- like a playground -- WRITERS don't scare that easy!!!!!

Rodney Vaccaro said...

An ultimatum is an act of anger and desperation. Stay calm, WGA. Stay strong, WGA. When we strike…we win. When we fight…we win.

Rodney Vaccaro said...

Oh, and by the way...keep in mind what happened to the last bunch of guys who chose December 7 for a sneak attack.

H said...

I've always supported the strike. But until now I maintained a nuanced view of the issues from both sides -- writers and moguls -- despite the emotional hysteria surrounding it. Now? The issue is pretty black and white.

Good work, AMPTP. You're officially a villain now.

shortgirl said...

May I make a suggestion? I hope to be in the WGA when this strike ends so this is my two cents. Don't waste your breath on AMPTP. The only avenue is political & legal. You will get NO help on the national stage as the FCC is bought and paid for and the wait for a new administation is unacceptable. It's past time to take their accounting practices to the legislature, California Labor Board, and any other agency in your state that can look into their union busting activities and their conflicting statements to stockholders. I do not know the requirements for a class action, but I would leave no stone unturned until I found SOMEONE who could look into the books.

Stand strong mighty writers, but it's time for the lawyers & the lobbyists.