
Jericho Fans Support The Writers

I'm impressed.


rubberpoultry said...

I'm behind the writers all the way! This one's for you. Thanks for all that you've done for us as fans.

And to all the other writers out there writing for shows I love (and even hate), press on! We moved CBS when we saved, we can do it again with this strike!

Jericho Fan

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was graphically awesome! Nice design, nice animation, nice audio... I'm sure the Jericho writers really appreciate it too.

(So, this "Jericho".. it's good?)

Anonymous said...

See season 2 in January 2008 on CBS!
No date or time announced yet.
If you haven't seen season 1, you can watch on CBS.com or get the DVD. I give you 3 episodes before you become hooked...like the rest of us!


Anonymous said...

Well done video that shows the writers that Jericho fans support those who made Jericho the quality show worth fighting for.

Anonymous said...

Yes Pencils to the AMPTP !!!!

Rosalind Van Landingham said...

I cannot understand the WGA being forced to go on strike. This whole thing should be a non-issue. They are simply asking for what they were already promised. I know it's more complex than that, because the future of media is changing so rapidly, but current and future revenues from the new media has to be dealt with. The writers are the foundation for Hollywood and all entertainment everywhere. The actors - and I adore them - are just the mouthpieces. Where would the big corporations and studios be without writers? Non-existent. Where would the top executives for these companies be? In an average home in an average suburb living not-so-large lives. So many jobs depend on the writers, whose talents are irreplaceable and obviously deserve fair compensation. As much as I admire the incredible skills and talents of everyone who nurtures a story from a "lightbulb moment" to big and little screens across America, I am quickly losing respect for the corporations represented by the AMPTP. Please do not let greed get in the way of fair negotiations - it doesn't take long for irreparable damage to be done.

Thank you to all writers everywhere, and a special thank you to the writers of "Jericho". It is an amazing show!

Anonymous said...

Awww, that was sweet, and to the point. Well done. I feel as if I should watch the show now. You Jericho writers have some very cool fans.

Way to go guys!

Anonymous said...

Fancycat, I don't get it either. This was avoidable. The writer’s guild in the UK managed to work out a deal for internet and other downloads no problem, it's just the American studios/corporations that decided to try to cut the creators out of the profits.

This is dumb and unnecessary - and it's also bad business. What are the studios thinking?

Unknown said...

what a beautiful piece.

and whilst yes, i agree. go watch Jericho if you havent already, perhaps hold off til after the deal's been struck if you can, so that people like Carol Barbee can get a little something out of it.

Anonymous said...

Judist63 here from the Jericho message boards,I think the writers are awesome and are not afforded the same credibility the studios are to a certain extent. I think they well deserve what it is they are asking for as a group. If it weren't for the writers, the studios wouldn't be where they are today! I hope that the studios get off the behinds and cough up some of what they have been raking in to the ones who well deserve it!

Lucy V said...

I loved that! And totally agree. I quite like Jericho, but even if I didn't, the writers do the work, they should get the money they're owed with none of this "it's promotional" claptrap. God I love that word. There's too much skullduggery going on here too (another fave word).

We're demonstrating virtual solidarity with the WGA over at my blog today by the way, so please do drop by.

Annabel said...

That is terrific!

Debby said...

Without writing what would televsion be? The writers deserve their fair share of the pie. The studios need to realize that reality shows only won't draw an audience. Great video Rubberpoultry. For those who haven't watched Jericho I urge you to check it out.

Anonymous said...

Great video! Yes, it is that simple..without the writers we wouldnt have this amazing show we all fought so hard for. Great way to make that point RP.

Thousands of pencils shipped in support from Jericho Fans already!


Bob said...

rubberpoultry i will do anything to help you, you are one of the main reasons we have a second season with your creative skills, and the writers are responsible for a great show.

Anonymous said...

Writers @ Large:
This is why we're going to win.
They're savvy. They know what's going on in the media, what's @ stake and they're in our corner. Please, fellow Writers, cherish them. Now & in the future. Know that their enthusiasm is what gets the buzz & ratings. I've been a fan (Trekker!)all of my life & I've been extremely fortunate to be in the position to create shows of my own. I know Writers understand the fans value (obviously more than the moguls-- those morons had no idea the fans would outpour like they have & its impact), I just wanted to express it here.

maybei said...

Do the Jericho fans love their writers? You bet we do!!!

And we also support all the other writers too! We are behind you all the way!!!!

Support the writers and bring back quality shows, like Jericho!

erika said...

A great video for a great cause. We love our writers!!!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done. It's great to see fans getting behind the strike as well.

Anonymous said...

Awesome video! It gets right to the point, no writers, no Jericho!!

Jericho fans are behind the writers for the long haul! Without the writers there would be no Jericho or any other show for that matter!! All I can say to the writers is "Press On" what you are asking for is much deserved!!

Thanks to the writers I had a show to fight for!


Anonymous said...

Very cool video, even better that the Jericho fans are supporting the writers of their show and all quality shows.

Anonymous said...

RubberPoultry, you said it for all of us - Support the people who give us a quality show -- Jericho.

A TV show is about more than the words that come out of an actor's mouth. There is a whole backstory with each character and the plot and subplots and this all demands a lot of knowledge and research. Writing is an awesome profession.

Without writers you get blank pages! Even the "silent movies" had words!

Jericho is awesome because Jericho's writers are awesome. Pay them for it.


Anonymous said...

The video says it all. Without the writers we wouldn't have the great Jericho characters and story. These writers know how to write a quality show. Keep up the great work. The Jericho fans support you!

Anonymous said...

Support our writers!! Think of every show you watch and know that without them it would not be there!!

Kudos to the Jericho Fans for supporting the writers!

auntvonna said...

Great Video! A most excellent way to show our love for the writers! We love you all and are behind you all the way! You MAKE Jericho and all the shows we love great! I hope you get everything you are fighting for!

Holyhobbits said...

Awesome video RP!!! You truly know how to make great videos...

Jericho fans are behind the writers 100%!!! THANK YOU not only to the writers who brought us Jericho, but to EVERY writer out there, thank you for bringing us the shows we care about!

a loyal "Jericho" fan

Anonymous said...

Thank you writers! You have given us an awesome show and we can see how much you cared about creating a high-quality serial drama. We stand behind you as you aspire to a fair deal. --JJB from Md.

Anonymous said...

Just like I feel I know all the actors on "Jericho," I almost feel the same about the writers -- like we're all family. And the writers for "Jericho" are the glue that holds this family together. It's past time to give them and all the other writers their fair shake and their deserved due.


Anonymous said...

Jericho writers are awesome! We love you! It was the writers who gave us all these characters and stories worth fighting for.

Thank you for entertaining us, captivating us, and engaging us.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I hope people realize that the writers are the heart of the show, just as important as the actors. I'm a huge fan of Jericho, How I Met Your Mother, Ugly Betty, Lost, Pushing Daisies, etc. The writing is what keeps me coming back. I hope the studios give writers what they deserve, they're not asking for much!

Anonymous said...

If anyone knows how to fight for a cause, its Jericho fans!
Thank you writers for everything you do. We're behind you 100%!
NUTS to the AMPTP!

Trish said...

Another Jericho fan waving my banner of support here.

Give the writers what they're asking for. Stop the greed.